Discovering Ireland’s Waterway Wildlife: From Otters to Kingfishers and Beyond

The wildlife on our waterways can be elusive and hard to spot but knowing what to look for is a good start! Try going for walks at different times of day, particularly early in the morning or late in the evening when the more elusive nocturnal animals are active. Irish Otters: Discover and Conserve Otters […]
The Secret to Maintaining a Healthy River: Understanding Water Quality.

A healthy river supports a diverse array of life forms, forming intricate river ecosystems. Not just fish, plants, insects and animals, but people too, thrive by the riverbanks! As our lives have become more urban and less in tune with nature, it’s very easy to forget just how dependent we are on our waterways, but […]
How Hedgerows and Riverbanks Help: Protecting Nature and Fighting Climate Change

Our riverbanks and hedgerows are home to many essential plants and animals which all contribute to the health of our rivers. Did you know that most of our land is used for farming and we have very little natural forest left? Hedgerows are one of the few places where wildlife can live without being disturbed. […]